SoGEA stands for Single Order Generic Ethernet Access. In simple terms, it’s a broadband Internet connection without the phone line.
When discussing different internet line options, it’s important to start with a bit of context. One important thing to note is the switch off of the ISDN phone line network is fast approaching, with a scheduled date of 2025.
The great thing about SoGEA is it gives your business a chance to move away from analogue phone lines and avoid the switch off entirely.
In addition, SoGEA has other great advantages such as being lower cost, having shorter ordering times and fast speeds.
It’s also VoIP-ready, so you can benefit from all the great advantages VoIP brings like lower phone costs and the ability to work from anywhere.
How does SoGEA broadband work?
SoGEA broadband runs via fibre optic cable from the telephone exchange to the local telephone cabinets, known as PCPs (Primary Connection Point).
This works in a very similar way to FTTC (Fibre to the Cabinet), which is the common type of broadband that most people are familiar with. However, SoGEA isn’t affected by the upcoming ISDN switch off.
What are the main benefits of SoGEA?
It’s around 30% cheaper than a standard broadband line. This is mainly down to the fact you don’t have to pay for an additional phone line and the associated savings this brings.
Quicker ordering time
Because there’s only a single line to order, the registration and ordering process is far simpler. This means you get your new line that much faster.
Fast Speeds
SoGEA offers the same fast speeds you’ve come to expect, with download speeds of up to 80Mbs and uploads of up to 20 Mbps.
Another advantage is reliability. Having the simpler solution of a single line means there’s less to go wrong. This means more uptime for your business and less stress for you.
Easy to manage
It’s also easier to manage a SoGEA line and faster to get issues resolved. As there’s only one supplier, you don’t get the potential back and forth between different parties that can occur with a standard broadband line.
Keep your number
If you’re concerned about losing your phone line number, you don’t need to worry. You can transfer your existing number over to your new line to ensure this stays the same.
Beat the analogue switch off
The final advantage is probably the biggest one. SoGEA is a future-ready solution that helps you avoid losing your phone line under the scheduled 2025 ISDN switch off.
Is SoGEA available in my area?
SoGEA is widely available throughout the UK. It has the same availability as standard broadband lines, as it uses the same network.
As you already know, this means that it’s not available everywhere but the majority of people will be able to access it.
If you’d like to find out if you can get SoGEA in your location, we can run a postcode check to find out if it’s available where you are.
What speed is SoGEA?
SoGEA uses the same fast and reliable technology that you get with FTTC. Users can expect download speeds of up to 80 Mbps and upload speeds of up to 20 Mbps.
These are the fastest speeds available. However, speeds can start from 40 Mbps download and 10 Mbps upload.
If you need an even faster connection, SoGFAST is available. This provides speeds of up to 300 Mbps down and 50 Mbps up.
What’s the difference between SoGEA and FTTC?
SoGEA and FTTC are very similar to each other. Both are broadband internet services with the same speed and availability across the UK. The main difference between SoGEA and FTTC is that with SoGEA, you don’t need a separate telephone line. This can result in SoGEA having several advantages such as lower cost, easier management and not being affected by the 2025 ISDN switch-off.
What’s the difference between SoGEA and SoTAP?
SoTAP stands for Single Order Temporary Access Product. This is an ADSL replacement for people who can’t get SoGEA. As the name suggests, this solution is not intended for widespread use like SoGEA and only offers speeds of around 17 Mbps.
Is SoGEA the same as VDSL?
The short answer is yes, SoGEA is the same as VDSL. This is the same network that FTTC lines use, the only difference being SoGEA doesn’t need a phone line.
In conclusion, SOGEA is a significant development in Internet technology that’s a potentially great option for many businesses.
It provides some key advantages over traditional broadband such as lower costs, faster ordering time and easier management.
The biggest advantage is probably that SoGEA lines are exempt from the ISDN analogue line switch off by BT in 2025. So, by moving over to SoGEA now, this is something you won’t need to worry about in future.
If you’d like to find out if your business can benefit from SoGEA, get in touch with our team. By learning more about your business, we can make tailored recommendations on what’s the best solution for you.